Monday, August 07, 2006

there's a leak in House. Run, PM, run

Everyone, and the Opposition, wants the prime minister to go. Nope, I don’t pretend to nurse any special affection for any leader, but, come on, out over something as flimsy as a “leak” from one of the few hundred commissions set up every year? A little ridiculous, eh? “Breach of privilege”. What breach, and whose privilege?

A small, ignorant question: Haven’t we had such “leaks” before? Don’t our “commissions” work a bit like that tap next to the potty, forever leaking? Haven’t our media houses always seen the next front page, and the next 10-o-clock-news lead, thanks to the commissions’ propensity to leak at odd hours?

But has any prime minister/leader ever quit over something as t(r)icklish as that? Strange things (leaking House, choking drains, soaking spirit, stinking environ) sure do happen in monsoons.