Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Apologies for that anonymous reader

When did you last feel lousy after returning home from work?
Lousy about doing a lousy job?
Lousy, when you know the lousiness that slouched into the paper will in all likelihood escape notice of the bosses?
Lousy about the very lousiness of that lousy idea (aren't bosses made bosses so that they can catch the lousiness creeping into the paper and warn you?)
Lousy because one smartass in the paper will notice it and remind you every lousy moment of the day that s/he spotted it?
Lousy because the whole idea is so nerve-wracking?
Lousy because that's now how you were supposed to work?

I feel that. Every day.
And I feel it today; no exception. I am sorry, dear reader who happens to read the section i put to bed tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.