Thursday, April 27, 2006

What’s (ch)eating Kaavya Viswanathan?

Can you steal by mistake? Or, to sound a touch more prosaic, can you ‘plagiarise unintentionally’?
Good question, but no answer. None knows. None cares to know.
But then, don’t journalists write headlines/copy openers that sound ugh-so-familiarly-clichéd? And don’t they do it every freaking day of their life?
Yes, there are a zillion ways to write a sentence, but why should I try?
None asked the guy who spotted the cheating to read it so carefully, or did someone?
Am I following some other hand tapping some other keyboard unintentionally?
Who knows.. who cares to know..
Read if you want, don't if you want.
Just let the 'cheat' be.

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